Friday, May 28, 2010

The next response... with a touch of canned text

I didn't want to spend too much time on this reply, since it's obvious that nobody is reading them, well - I mean other than all of us... which is why I did put a bit of effort.  :)

I think you'll like that I pulled some things from her last message, I even included some "Lorem Ipsum" placeholder text.  LOL.

My lovely Alla,

I hope this message finds you healthy, happy and honest.

It sounds like you had a beautiful day!  I often wish I could sigh a full breast, but alas, nothing.  Pollution is very bad around my city, smog fills the air and smoke from the local bakery.  Currently it's very hot and smoggy, and smokey.

Thank you for answering your own questions, it pleases me greatly to know that you are so sincere, so honest, trustworthy and willing to cook.

It is also great to hear that you will love me, no matter what.  It makes me smile, no really... I'm smiling!

I loved your answers Alla.  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec auctor velit non lacus ullamcorper gravida. Ut pharetra eleifend odio non aliquet. Donec quis est dui, vel tincidunt lectus. Quisque id nibh diam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In quam odio, imperdiet sit amet gravida quis, consectetur suscipit lacus. Donec non euismod diam.

You said you wanted a family, how many children do you want?  I have three and if you wanted four or five, I could get started on the others right away...

Your pictures are great!  You are very beautiful.  Please send more, they make me happy in pants.

I will wait to hear from you with battered breath...

Your superstitiously,


I used the "happy in pants" line which is my favorite line from "Not Another Teen Movie"

I attached two of the sample nature pictures that come with Windows XP, and a photo of Indiana Jones.  :)

Let's see how quickly we hear back...

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