Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Travel Plan Response....

I figured I might as well have a bit of fun and let her know that I was thinking of how I could get to her.

Alla, dear Alla...

I feel the same way, it is nice to know that there is someone out there in the world that feels this way about me, and I about her.  Even though we're half a world apart, it's like you're right next to me.

Oh Alla, what will we do ...

Since the last time we communicated, I've been researching trips to Russia to investigate the best way to visit you.  I started with cab companies, but no local cabbies would take the task.  I checked the Greyhound station and found no buses that would make the trek.  The train station was next and although I have international options, I still could not find the match to my search.  Airlines seem to be the only way, but you know of my fear of dealing with the customer service of the airline industry, so that's not a great option. 

I've narrowed it down to two options.

Travel by boat or teleportation.  I have a lead on each of these options.  The first is to have a spell put on me to be able to teleport to see you.  The cost is pretty good.  At $29 I think it's worth a shot.  Check it out here -

The second option is not bad either, but it is a bit more expensive.  I could buy a boat and I'm sure given several months of travel, I could get to you.  I'm attaching a picture of the boat I'm looking at purchasing. 

What should I do?

Maybe you could come and see me?  Oh what am I saying - that would never work... I really don't like seeing people in person before we meet.

Until next time Alla, you'll be in my thoughts, my dreams, my subconcious, my left ear lobe and my breath.

Love, yes I said love... no big whoop.


Just in case the link on Teleportation is down, as I'm sure it will eventually be, I attach the screen shot for your enjoyment.  Yes - this was actually on eBay.

I love that the above ad says "5 sold" ... really?  Holy shit. Ok - I might post up some crap on eBay tonight...

I also attached the picture of my boat to the email.

Let's see where this goes ...  :)


  1. Hey, that teleportation spell worked for the old gypsy, so it must be legit, right? ;)

  2. It's got to be!! Just so you all know, I didn't order one.

    I grabbed two, just in case.
